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News Media | Avanzando Caminos (Leading Pathways) Study

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Southern Health Centers Unite for $9.8M to Study Latino Cancer Survivorship (English)

Doctora de San Antonio realiza investigación para ayudar a sobrevivientes de cáncer (Spanish)

KSAT Q&A: Dr. Amelie Ramirez discusses new research program looking at Latino cancer survivorship (English)

SA, Miami institutions to team on $10M Latino cancer project (English)

'It all caught up to me': San Antonio researcher to study life after cancer for Latinos (English)

San Antonio researchers hope new study benefits Latino cancer survivors (English)

Los latinos con cáncer tienen una senda a la supervivencia más difícil (Spanish)

New $9.8 million study is the 1st to seek full understanding of the Latino cancer survivorship journey (English)

New $9.8 Million Study is 1st to Seek Full Understanding of the Latino Cancer Survivorship Journey (English)

University of Miami Health System

Focusing on You: Tips to Reduce Stress After Cancer

Research: Cancer’s Impact on the Hispanic Community (English)

Podcast: Cancer Survivorship Lasts a Lifetime (English)

National Cancer Institute Office of Cancer Survivorship highlights Camino’s study on Twitter (English)

University of Miami to Develop Study on Cancer Among Hispanics in the U.S. (English)

Sylvester study is focused on Hispanic cancer deaths (English)

New $9.8 Million NCI Grant Awarded to Study Hispanic/Latino Cancer Survivorship (English)

New $9.8 Million NCI Grant Awarded to Study Hispanic/Latino Cancer Survivorship - InventUM | University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (English)