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Clinical trial gives women with gene mutation power over disease
When Juana Padron, a 40-year-old mother of four, chose to have a genetic test, going against her friends and family’s advice was the last thing on her mind. Padron’s aunt died from breast cancer, and she watched her sister endure two surgeries and chemotherapy as she successfully fought off ovarian cancer. Her primary […]
Saba Shaikh, MD Breast Oncology , Hematology Oncology
Research & Publications
A Comparison of Genetic Counseling Service Delivery Models in a Cancer Genetics Clinic
Research & Publications
View All Publications - Yasmin Lyons, DO
Yasmin A. Lyons, DO, MS Gynecologic Oncology
Harnessing the healing power of turmeric for cancer patients
Discover the golden ally against cancer: Turmeric. Explore its antioxidant shields and anti-inflammatory prowess, uncovering pathways to hinder cancer growth and enhance treatment sensitivity. Learn how to infuse this vibrant spice into your diet, elevating meals and your fight against cancer.
Lauren Mills, MS, CGC Genetic Counseling, Cancer Genetics & High-Risk Screening
Natalie Poullard, MS, MA Genetic Counseling, Cancer Genetics & High-Risk Screening
Cancer Prevention and Screenings
Cancer Prevention and Screenings